Return Policy

At OkArtPrints, we always want our customers to be happy with their purchases. If for any reason you're not satisfied with the items you bought from us, please contact us by email at You can return your products within 14 days of receiving them, and we'll be glad to assist you in the process.

Here's how you can return an item:
1. Contact us via email and let us know which item(s) you want to return.
2. We'll send you the return address and instructions on how to proceed. Please drop off your parcel at the nearest post office.
3. Once we receive your returned item, please provide us with the return receipt from the shipping company. We'll then issue your refund and send you a confirmation email.

Here are some conditions to keep in mind:
* We accept returns without any questions.
* The item you return must be unused and in its original packaging.
* We'll arrange an exchange or issue a full refund once we've checked the return tracking number or receipt.

If you need to return an item, please contact our customer support email at We have warehouses in different countries around the world, and we'll provide you with the nearest return address based on your location.
Finally, if you haven't received your parcel or received defective products, we'll refund you within 30 days. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we want you to feel confident when shopping with us.